Dr. Lakshmi Vulimiri was the first female South Asian graduate student at the School of Science. She came to MIT from Delhi, India, and she received her PhD in Nutrition and Food Science in 1976.
Vulmiri is currently Service Chief of the Clinical Chemistry Service and Associate Attending & Association Clinical Member in the Department of Laboratory Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Center, NYC.
Lakshmi Vulmiri with Ramesh Ramanathan, an MBA student at Northeastern University, who became her husband later that year, after she graduated from MIT with her PhD c1976. Courtesy Lakshmi V. Ramanathan
Lakshmi Vulmiri with Harvard School of Public Health Professor Mark Hegsted who came to attend a conference at MIT c.1976. Courtesy Lakshmi V. Ramanathan
Lakshmi Vulimiri Thesis: Ferritin Species and Metabolism in Striated Muscle