Peelamedu Rangaswamy Ramakrishnan ’41, SM ’45, SM ’53

Peelamedu Rangaswamy Ramakrishnan ’41, SM ’45, SM ’53 started off studying engineering at the Institute, but then transitioned to an interest in  governance and labor legislation in over a decade of learning at MIT, eventually becoming the first graduate student at Sloan. Ramakrishnan returned to India and led an illustrious career in public service. He was twice elected as a Member of Parliament to represent his hometown, Coimbatore, in 1957 and 1962.  Ramakrishnan also founded the Madras Aluminum Company and the Coimbatore Institute of Technology (1956). 

Thesis Title Page - labor legislation in India

P.R. Ramakrishnan's  Thesis: Labor Legislation in India